Cobra venom can help surgeons spot cancer tumours

Cobra venom can help surgeons spot cancer tumours Nothing -till a team of Russian and Indian scientists put their heads to it and developed an innovative technique to take sharp images of cancergrowths. Researchers from Tezpur University , Assam working with the National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS), Moscow combined highly poisonous chemicals called alphaneurotoxins found in cobra venom with fluorescent nanoparticles of cadmium selenide known as quantum dots.The new substance was found to effectively mark the boundaries of cancer growths. Cancer surgeons need to see the…

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In ‘awake’ surgeries, surgeons must watch what they say

The surgeons talked about many surgical procedures, ranging from biopsies to abortions to cataract surgery. A growing number of surgeries performed with only local anesthesia create new challenges for surgeons, according to interviews with U.S. doctors. Surgeries using new local anesthestics that numb an area of the body but leave patients awake, tend to have a shorter recovery time, but can also cause distress and anxiety for patients, researchers write in the American Journal of Surgery. These “awake surgeries” also raise new issues for surgeons, who must balance the needs…

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