Dear parents, watch out for these 9 signs that indicate your kid needs an eye test

With the proliferation of screens in our lives – phone screen, tablets, Kindles, computers – television isn’t the only source of eye strain for kids and adults. But, unlike in case of adults, it is harder to gauge when children develop vision issues. “More often than not, vision problems go unnoticed until children begin school,” said associate professor of Ophthalmology Marcela Frazier, “Children grow up naturally adapting to vision issues, so when they get into school and start reading and learning, that is when parents and teachers begin to notice…

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Kid gloves

  It won’t be an exaggeration to say that many of the eating patterns that we as adults have adopted are a throwback to when we were kids. Our first associations of sweets are with happy occasions. Cakes on birthdays, laddoos for good exam results… We do not have the tradition to celebrate with fruit or with a nice, gleaming, fresh, chunky salad. Sigh. Ah well, that’s life. It’s crucial to nurture healthy relationships with food at an early age so that every meal is a happy one later in…

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workout Can increase stronger Bones in your kid

physical hobby builds more potent bones in youngsters, even for individuals who deliver genetic editions that predispose them to bone weak point, new studies from The kid’s health center of Philadelphia (CHOP) inside the US has determined.”whilst we’ve got regarded for many years that physical hobby during early life builds up bone and confers lifelong benefits, we did not realize whether or not the consequences of activity rely on genetic dangers for bone fragility,” said observe first writer Jonathan Mitchell.The look at, posted in the magazine of Bone and Mineral…

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