Missed opportunities: 9 poor business decisions that would have changed history

Excite could have purchased Google for $7,50,000 | Back in 1999, founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, decided to offer their then-nascent company to Excite, one of the most widely recognised online portals of the 90s, for $1 million. CEO George Bell wasn’t too excited about the deal, even after the duo brought down their asking price to $7,50,000. Today, with a market cap of $367.6 billion, Google has become one of the biggest tech companies and is synonymous with “search”, while Excite slowly dwindled in its shadow.…

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Foodswitch: The App That Helps You Eat Healthy

Researchers have developed a novel app which can act as a nutritionist at the shopper’s side in the grocery store. Aptly named “FoodSwitch”, the app can help users scan a packaged food’s barcode, quickly see its nutritional rating and identify similar foods that are healthier. “FoodSwitch is unique in that users don’t have to hunt for healthier alternatives. They’re all listed in the app,” Mark Huffman, Associate Professor at Northwestern University in the US said in a statement released by the university. Unlike other nutrition apps, FoodSwitch also asks users…

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Three investment tips on Father’s Day that can never go out of fashion

Patience is considered a trade virtue and more often than not is something that is lacking in most investors. Our parents managed money is such a way that it took care of the entire family and its needs. What did they do right? And where are we going wrong? This Father’s Day, let’s try to unravel the mystery. Maybe we would find some clues hidden behind the advice, rebukes, instructions that were a part of our growing up days. “Can we do it differently?”  “Can we do it differently”, how…

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Travel and free sex, Miss Travel app is controversial app that helps people see the world for free

Some may call it prostitution, but Miss Travel app likes to call it dating. The app, which is also available as a service on a website, is getting popular because it apparently allows people to travel the world for “free”. Free if you discount the possibility — or rather certainty — of sex. Miss Travel apparently allows rich people — likely to be mostly men — to sponsor trips of other people, in return for companionship and — again not said so explicitly but implied — sex. The dating app…

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4 things that can help you decode returns from your investments

Photo: MorePixels The return we make on our investments is a vital data point in determining how our financial plan is progressing and making buying, selling and rebalancing choices. All these decisions may go wrong if that basic returns number is not evaluated and understood correctly. Here is what you need to know so that you interpret and use the information provided by the return numbers to further your investment plan. Look beyond the number What you see published as the return number may not be what your investment earned.…

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7 Side Effects Of Weight Loss That No One Talks About

The benefits of being at a healthy weight are indisputable; dropping just five to 10 percent of your body weight may help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. However, shedding extra pounds may also mean some unexpected challenges that show up when you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time, especially if you are following a fad diet. Fad diets are diets that promise to help you lose weight in less than a week’s time. While…

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