Summer Special: How to Make Infused Water and Beat the Heat

The arrival of the summers has cropped up the need for refreshing drinks and icy smoothies to stay cool and hydrated. On one hand, aerated drink manufacturers are trying to lure people to their beverages through marketing techniques, while on the other hand, health conscious people are resorting to natural ways to make summer refreshment at home, particularly infused water. Although it’s not a new concept, infused water has gained immense popularity in the recent times. As people look for refreshment with nutrition, its better to prepare infused water at…

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10 Rose Water Benefits: From Antioxidants to Anti-Aging

We know rose water’s great for skin and hair but why it’s good and how exactly must you use it, is key! Here are 10 amazing skincare and hair care uses of rose water you’ll thank us for. Wondering why rose water has found a place in every Indian household? It’s simple. Rose water is undoubtedly beauty’s magic potion, and remarkably versatile. Whether you have oily, dry or combination skin, rose water can be added to your beauty regime . That’s what makes it a beauty secret or rather a secret weapon…

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Shocking: Zero Pollution and Clean Water May Increase Asthma Risk in Kids

Pollution has almost become a way of life, particularly in India. We are so used to it that we don’t think of it as a serious threat to our lives. The capital city New Delhi is considered to be the most polluted city in the world, and the consequences of it are evident with cases of respiratory diseases going up rapidly over the years. It is a serious concern and we need to make a conscious effort to prevent its health risks. Perhaps packing our bags and heading to a…

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12 Amazing Healing Benefits of Drinking Water in a Copper Vessel

Water is the most essential element to sustain life on this planet. 70 per cent of human body is made up of water. You may have not known this but in ancient times, our ancestors and even our grandmothers followed the practice of storing water in containers made of copper. Their aim was probably to safeguard drinking water but there’s more to the story. In today’s modern world where we have UV filters and RO purifiers to purify water, the storage of water in metal containers may sound old-fashioned and not…

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Why You Should Start Your Day With a Glass of Warm Water

The world is made up of two types of people, simplistically speaking. Those who like their water warm and those who like to throw in plenty of ice cubes. Water plays an essential role in our well-being, from skin care to good digestion and even avoiding migraines, there is a lot that merely the consumption of water can fix. However, according to science, both ancient and modern, the temperature of water when it is consumed is critical as well. From Ayurveda to ancient Chinese medicine, the one thing everyone seems…

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Why Your Water Intake is Essential in Preventing Urinary Diseases

As much as we love winters, the cold season brings along with it a few spoilers. What top the list are dryness and dehydration. They are almost inescapable. You need to constantly remind yourself to hydrate and smear yourself with moisturisers to keep your skin supple. The cold wind doesn’t help even a single bit to keep the energy levels high, as the only thought that runs in your mind is to snuggle in some heated corner and warm up. You have to make the extra effort to take care…

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