New Initiative Shows Path to Better Diabetes Control

A low-cost healthcare model involving non-physician workers using computer tools can help diabetes patients double their likelihood of controlling the disease. According to a study conducted by researchers at AIIMS, Public Health Foundation of India, and the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University in Atlanta, the model can help patients to improve their blood sugar levels and manage the disease on their own. A trial conducted at ten clinical centres across India and Pakistan compared the diabetes-focused quality improvement (QI) strategy versus the usual care alternatives for heart patients…

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New Initiative Shows Path to Better Diabetes Control

PhotoCredit:istock A low-cost healthcare model involving non-physician workers using computer tools can help diabetes patients double their likelihood of controlling the disease. According to a study conducted by researchers at AIIMS, Public Health Foundation of India, and the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University in Atlanta, the model can help patients to improve their blood sugar levels and manage the disease on their own. A trial conducted at ten clinical centres across India and Pakistan compared the diabetes-focused quality improvement (QI) strategy versus the usual care alternatives for heart…

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