What Health Strategies Should You Implement To Become A More Productive, Positive Individual?

Many people are lost when it comes to developing health strategies that will empower them to operate more effectively within the world. If this is one of your current dilemmas, you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find several heath strategies that you can deploy to become a more productive, positive individual:

1. Put Social Conformance In The Past.

One of the best health strategies under the sun is placing primacy on self-knowledge. In many cases, this is the key to an individual attaining the type of substantive, sustained breakthrough which enables them to make healthy decisions which are conducive to longevity, immunity, mood stability, etc. Unfortunately, many people are caught up in a vicious cycle of social conformance which involves doing what other people tell them to do in order to gain approval and rewards. The cycle is vicious because it sustains a system predicated on relating to others in an inauthentic way. The cycle is also vicious because the deeply ingrained patterns of social conformance set in motion can lead to self-hatred and many other types of health issues, some of which include depression and social anxiety.

As many psychologists and wellness experts know, social conformance is a tool used to secure “love” and resources that ensure social mobility. While this activity is socially sustainable in the sense that it helps the individual retain a position of power or acceptance in various communities and groups, it can also be incredibly unhealthy if the person involved is constantly engaging in activities that are contrary to their belief system. In many cases, people consistently ignore the inner voice that is telling them an activity or attitude is not correct because they know that acting on what they understand inside will lead to alienation.

Rather than keeping the vicious cycle of social conformance alive and active, go on the journey of self-discovery so you can figure out which principles and practices will lead to true happiness. Meditation and yoga are two wonderful, health-based modalities you can utilize to find yourself while simultaneously optimizing mental and physical well-being.

2. Keep It Clean.

Another wonderful and oftentimes overlooked health strategy is learning how to keep your living environment clean. Doing so will reduce your susceptibility to health and safety risks. For example, having your apartment cleaned annually could prevent the mold build-up that might lead to respiratory infections. If you’re in need of corporate janitorial services, know that the professionals of Mid City Cleaning can assist you.


If you want to make health an integral, permanent element of your life, make sure that you have a plan. You can use one or both of the strategies outlined above to get healthy and start becoming a more productive, positive individual!

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