
How to wear high-waisted fishnet stockings, the latest Instagram trend!


With more that 4,31,000 posts involving the hashtag #fishnets, it is surely a trend that young instagramers of today are rocking. Wearing these high-waisted fishnet stockings underneath jeans, shorts, dresses and skirts, you can definitely achieve that edgy summer look. These fashionable stalkings are also cheap to buy (₹500 on, ₹300 on

While these fishnet stalkings go with almost everything, here are some looks that best work with this Instagram sensation:

Under a dress or skirt

Fishnet stalkings look way more groovy than plain black stalkings under a dress or a skirt. This should definitely be the move for you when you want to rock an old dress with a new sense of style.

Underneath ripped jeans

You could definitely attain a voguish look with some high-waisted fishnet stalkings, ripped blue jeans and a crop top. This outfit has a high-fashion appeal to it, no wonder these fishnet stalkings are the latest trendsetters.

Under an oversized t-shirt

Rock that over-sized t-shirt lying in your closet or steal your dad’s or brother’s t-shirts with these incredible fishnet stalkings. Just pair the outfit with some sneakers for that cool sporty look.

Underneath shorts

Bring out those summer shorts and pair them with these fishnet stalkings and a cute tank top to get that stylish yet summer look!





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