Manisha Mehta shares incredible ways for a healthy lifestyle change

The event started with Dr Preeti Doshi anchoring the event and telling us interesting details on how idea of a book on ‘beating the bite’ was born. “What makes Manisha Mehta’s labour of love unique is her approach towards the subject,” is how Dr Preeti introduced the book. “Dieting,” she says, “doesn’t mean starving. You can eat whatever you want, provided you balance it out,” she says. A keen student of psychology, Mehta belongs to the school of thought that doesn’t believe in beating clients down for craving delicious food. Instead she suggests simple lifestyle changes designed to counter those cravings, and not just help you lose weight but also maintain the weight loss. Manisha said, “Everybody wants to binge on a midnight snack! You can’t stop someone. What I am conveying through the book is the quantity of food that you intake. If you change your lifestyle habits then over a time you just know how to keep healthy and not pig out everyday! My book is about connecting with readers and individuals who want to go through a happy lifestyle changing process about eating and not feel sad that they don’t have to eat certain things or go on a crash diet to lose weight.”

And that’s exactly what is echoed in lifestyle coach and fitness consultant Shereveer Vakil’s words when he says, “The book takes a fun, light and yet insightful approach towards a serious issue that everyone is dealing with: weight.”

“A fun and quirky read,” is how actress Tara Sharma described the book. She said, “I am also a believer of eating healthy and exercising well and that resonates with my thinking in the book.”

Actress Sonali Sachdev was also among the many other celebs who were spotted at the event. While Manisha was happy signing away books at the end of the event, she also added, “Most of all, I believe in the power of confidence. Once you find happiness within your own body, you can tackle any challenge, be it weight loss or conquering the world.” And the Manisha’s younger son added, “If you see me and how fit I am, you know who is the reason behind it. So, guys please read the book.”