Is crawling the new plank?

Too often, adults tend to get too serious about their fitness routines. So much so that what should be fun becomes tedious. Maybe that’s why the latest fitness fad hitting the US is taking a cue from babies who stay fit while having a lot of fun. It’s all about getting on all fours and taking your first steps to being fully fit just like a baby does – it’s crawling, the functional movement to follow this season. According to the promoters of the movement, Original Strength it’s a move…

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Why Crawling Is the Ultimate Total-Body Exercise

Photo: Getty Images When you think of crawling, you probably think of adorable little rugrats. But according to Mayo Clinic physical therapist Danielle Johnson, crawling is an essential move for grown-ups too. She actually does it every day—and she’s not alone. Health and fitness experts are ravingabout the benefits of crawling, and other so-called fundamental movements. Squatting, jumping, running, hanging, balancing—they all fall into the same category. Essentially, fundamental movements are things we master as kids, but stop doing as we age. And that’s a shame because these activities engage our…

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