Most Fatal Type of Stroke Declining Along With Smoking Rates

The type of brain bleeding that causes the most lethal kind of stroke has declined substantially since 1998, possibly as a result of falling smoking rates, according to researchers in Finland. Bleeding in the space between the brain and the thin tissue covering it, known as subarachnoid hemorrhage, affects fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S. each year and represents about 10 percent of all strokes. About 50 percent of all cases die within a year, the study authors note in the journal Neurology. In Finland, however, a decline since…

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Uber Says Sexual Assault Rates Low, Disputes Report

Uber hit back against a news story alleging that scores of passengers had filed rape complaints, releasing data showing only a small fraction of the alleged number of sex assault reports. In a blog post late Sunday, the global ridesharing giant said its analysis showed a “legitimate claim of sexual assault” in 170 cases between December 2012 and August 2015. The number of alleged rapes in the report was five, amounting to one in every 3.3 million trips or a ratio of 0.0000009 percent of rides, Uber said. Uber’s safety…

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