11 Important Tips to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

1. Get a Medical Clearance
Before you start any fitness regime, it is important to find out how your body is from within, and if there are any underlying conditions that you need to be aware of. Get a basic check-up from a doctor, who will most likely ask you for blood tests to make sure everything is ok for you to start a structured training regime. Don’t neglect it.

2. Invest in a Good Trainer
A good trainer can really help you achieve your goals faster and in a safer way as well. When you are hiring a trainer, there are few things to keep in mind. Make sure the trainer you hire is qualified from a reputed institute and ideally has a few years’ experience.
3. Join a Gym
Joining a gym increases the chances of your success. It has many advantages, from having access to a greater variety of equipment to sprucing up your confidence and motivation level. You get to socialise, make friends and be a part of fitness communities as well. Here the chances of you sticking to your fitness goals and achieving them becomes easier as you are training along with a group of people rather than training is isolation.

4. Set Realistic Goals
When you start on a new fitness regime, it’s very easy to get influenced by others around you. Whilst it’s good to use others for motivation, it’s extremely important to not get sucked into setting unrealistic expectations of yourself. Setting a goal and not achieving it, especially when you have given your all can be extremely demoralising. Ensure that you set achievable goals and make subtle progress rather than push yourself to meet great expectations.
5. Get the Support of Your Loved Ones
Support is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Having a strong family support can make all the difference, and once they are part of your journey, they will encourage you to achieve your goals, and help you push through tough times.

6. Supplements Are Not Bad
Not all supplements are bad, especially your vitamins and minerals. These will give you all the necessary nutrients during the times of stress, especially when you are on a low-cal diet. Consult your doctor before taking supplements. Always remember, multi-vitamins and others are just to give your daily diet a boost, it should not be seen as a meal replacement option.
7. Don’t Obsess Over Scales
This is lot more relevant to people who are trying to lose weight. Your goal should always be to lose body fat, and not just weight. Focus on losing centimeters and not your weight. Access your stamina, ask yourself if you are able to run faster and longer, hold a plank or lift harder. Sometimes you can lose a few centimeters but the scale won’t reflect it. So, don’t let the weighing scale rule your life.

8. Embrace Weight Training
This one is lot more relevant for the ladies. Please note that lifting weights will not make you bulky. It’s going to help you get that toned body you have always desired. So, embrace the weights and pump some iron.
9. Manage Stress
This one is often under rated, but is extremely important. Stress can impact your fitness goals negatively. Learn to have fun in your life, and try to add some structured activities in your schedule, so that you have something to look forward to each week. Sleep is a very powerful tool in managing stress; make sure you get adequate sleep every night.

10. Build a Healthy Relationship with Food
There are no good food or bad food. Every food has its place in your diet. You just have to pick the right time and right quantities. If you are actively looking to lose few kilos, then you have to watch the intake of your junk food or sugary treats. You can still enjoy your cakes and pastries, but keep a track of how often and in what quantities you are consuming these food items. If you have been really good the entire week with your choices, then going out on the weekend with your family for a meal is fine lest you know when to stop or say no.
11. Take it Easy, Have Fun
Last but certainly not the least, don’t forget to have fun in your life and enjoy the journey. This might sound an overly simplistic advice, but it’s extremely important to enjoy your journey of fitness because it’s something you want to do for the rest of your life. Learn to enjoy your fitness routine and aim to make it a part of your daily lifestyle rather than a one-off thing.

So, there you have it. Keep going, be at it, and just don’t give up. Best of luck!