Food Habits You Should Follow to Regulate Hormones and Prevent Infertility

Having a baby is a beautiful, life changing event. Parenthood is a dream everyone has. A house full of tiny pattering feet, gurgling laughter, hugs and scraped knees, tantrums and drama, all add up to a joy that cannot be explained but only experienced.Some couples, however, find it difficult to conceive. Infertility affects about 10% of the Indian population. Given our population number, this is huge. The most common reason for infertility in males is oligospermia or poor sperm count and among women it is the hormone condition called PCOD…

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Brain-based immune proteins may regulate sleep

Sleep may be regulated in parts by several brain-based immune proteins, says a study that could pave the way for new therapies to treat chronic sleepdisorders and sleep disturbances secondary to other diseases. The immune proteins — collectively called inflammasome NLRP3 — recruit a sleep-inducing molecule to trigger somnolence following sleep deprivation and exposure to a bacterial toxin, showed results of the study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Animals lacking genes for this protective immune complex showed profound sleep aberrations. “Our research points, for the first time,…

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