Personal Trainer Gains 31Kg To Help Client Lose Weight

Fitness is all about regular exercising and balancing it with optimum nutrition. Experts believe that your diet plays 70% role in determining the efficacy of your workout regime. However, besides the diet, the intensity of your workout will not yield an iota of what is expected if you don’t train the right way. We all need our guide, that coach who will selflessly share his knowledge and help us become our best version. A good fitness trainer helps you achieve your goals – what makes him great is his ability…

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I Have Five Digital ‘Personal Assistants’ and Still Can’t Get Anything Done

There comes a point in every adult’s life when one stops and thinks: I could really use a personal assistant. I know I could. The Washington Post’s budget, however, doesn’t stretch to provide each reporter with a personal aide. But thanks to the magic of technology, I have regular access to five digital assistants: Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Now and an email-based scheduling assistant called Amy. It should be a breeze for anyone trying to get themselves organized as part of a New Year’s resolution. It should be fantastic. But,…

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I Have Five Digital ‘Personal Assistants’ and Still Can’t Get Anything Done

There comes a point in every adult’s life when one stops and thinks: I could really use a personal assistant. I know I could. The Washington Post’s budget, however, doesn’t stretch to provide each reporter with a personal aide. But thanks to the magic of technology, I have regular access to five digital assistants: Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Now and an email-based scheduling assistant called Amy. It should be a breeze for anyone trying to get themselves organized as part of a New Year’s resolution. It should be fantastic. But,…

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