Monitor Your Blood Pressure Right From the Kitchen

Don’t let high blood pressure scare you. It is not exactly a disease, but only a warning sign that the food you have been eating and the lifestyle you have been leading have clogged your blood vessels and your heart is having to exert extra pressure to keep blood moving through it. Just as the bad lifestyle caused it, the good one can cure it. Medicines are only an aid. The main job has to be done by your food. So please go into your kitchen for treatment. Certain ingredients…

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Could Eating Lower Your Blood Pressure? This Study Finds Out

You’ve heard this before. A bowl of yogurt is good for you. First off, let’s nto foegt that yogurt is made with milk which is packed with protein and other nutrients like calcium, vitamin b12 and potassium. Yogurt has an added advantage as it contains probiotics. Probiotics are living organisms or more commonly know as the good bacteria that are known to aid digestive functions and boost your immunity. A new study, presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology/Lifestyle Scientific Sessions in Arizona, adds to the list of benefits of…

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