​Parent’s obesity may delay development in kids

Are your toddler’s fingers and hands movement slow? Is his/her ability to relate to and interact with others as well as problem-solving skills delayed? Blame it on your obesity, researchers say. The findings showed that apart from health related issues, children of obese mothers were nearly 70 per cent more likely to fail tests of fine motor skill — the ability to control movement of small muscles, such as those in the fingers and hands — by age 3, when compared to children of normal-weight mothers. Children with obese fathers…

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Parent’s Obesity May Delay Development in Kids

Are your toddler’s hand movements slow? Is their ability to relate to and interact with others as well as problem-solving skills delayed? Blame it on your obesity, researchers say. New findings, published in the Journal Pediatrics, show that apart from health related issues, children of obese mothers were nearly 70 per cent more likely to fail tests of fine motor skill — the ability to control movement of small muscles, such as those in the fingers and hands — by age 3, when compared to children of normal-weight mothers. For…

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Are toxins silently harming our kid’s development?

A child policy review study in US has reported that babies under two years of age are 10 times more vulnerable to chemicals than adults. It also notes that babies by the age two accumulate 50 percent of the cancer causing chemicals. These facts make you shudder as a parent for once but then you ignore them thinking you don’t use any chemicals near your baby and hence your little one is safe. The truth is far from it, unconsciously and unknowingly we have been making choices as parents which…

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Heavy Drinking During Youth Can Disrupt Brain Development

Excessive alcohol use during adolescence can disrupt the development of brain and increase risk of substance use disorder later in life, a study says. “The maturation of the brain is still ongoing in adolescence, and especially the frontal areas and the cingulate cortex develop until the twenties. Our findings strongly indicate that heavy alcohol use may disrupt this maturation process,” said first author of the study Noora Heikkinen from University of Eastern Finland. Cingulate cortex has an important role in impulse control, and volumetric changes in this area may play…

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Mother’s Depression May Affect Kid’s Brain Development

Depressive symptoms in women during and after pregnancy are linked to reduced thickness of the cortex — the outer layer of the brain responsible for complex thought and behaviour — in preschool-age kids, says a new study. “Our findings underscore the importance of monitoring and supporting mental health in mothers not just in the post-partum period, but also during pregnancy,” said lead researcher Catherine Lebel of the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The findings, published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, suggest that a mother’s mood may affect her child’s…

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Vaccine development necessary to end the AIDS epidemic

A team from International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), led by President and CEO, Mark Feinberg, will be encouraging the global response to end HIV at the 21st International AIDS Conference, in Durban, South Africa. Researchers, policy makers, people living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic will be present to discuss new scientific knowledge and offer opportunities for structured dialogue on major issues facing the global response to the epidemic. The conference is important for both India and Africa, as they are looked upon as key players…

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