Getting tonsils removed puts you at risk of flu, asthma and pneumonia

If you have had your tonsils removed in childhood, you may want to read this. A new study by the University of Melbourne in Australia and University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that removing tonsils and adenoids in childhood increases the risk of diseases like asthma, influenza and pneumonia. The scientists examined the long-term effects of these common paediatric surgeries for the first time. The adenoids and tonsils are strategically positioned in the nose and throat respectively to act as the first line of defence, helping to recognise airborne pathogens like bacteria…

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5 Effective Home Remedies for Tonsils

I was eight years-old when I was told by my doctor that I had swollen tonsils and I could either get them operated or take medicines to subside the swelling. Keeping my age in mind, everyone thought it was best that I stick to medicines. Although it seemed the better choice, it came with a handful of dos and don’ts. Ever since that day, I have to think twice before eating anything extremely cold (yes, ice creams included, and also iced teas, chilled water, popsicles et al). I dread the…

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