Five ways to safely research your health symptoms online

Help your doctor to help you. (Posed by models.) Photograph: RyanJLane/Getty Images Be confidentĀ , but considerate There is no need for you to feel self-conscious about letting your GP know that you have researched your symptoms online. Your health means more to you than it does to anyone else, so embrace the information at your fingertips: it may help your doctor to help you. But it is important to remember that they are the expert, and to respect their time limitations. Before your appointment, form some plan for how to…

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How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks Safely

It’s possible to lose weight in two weeks — cutting bloat, fat and water weight — without using a juice fast or starvation diet. The key to this weight-loss regimen is to stick to a small group of foods — all lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains. If you want maximum weight-loss, you have to be able to commit to eating a rather boring and routine diet. The trick is to stay strict to avoid cheating and temptation. The low-sodium diet helps banish water weight and bloat. The lean…

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