Fungal treatment of artificial voice box may improve speech

Treating fungal infection inside the artificial voice box may improve speech quality and help people with throat cancerwho lose their larynx, a study has found. Throat cancer refers to cancer of the voice box, the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat, such as the tonsils and the oropharynx. During a total laryngectomy, the entire voice box (larynx) is removed and the windpipe (trachea) and food pipe (oesophagus) are separated from each other. This operation creates an opening between the food pipe and the windpipe, where the voice prosthesis…

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Google Voice Access Beta Lets You Control Your Smartphone by Voice

Google was supposed to introduce its ‘Voice Access’ service back at last year’s Google I/O conference, but never did so. The search giant has finally launched an ‘Voice Access’ beta app using which people can control several more features of their smartphones with voice commands. Users can now give commands such as ‘Open chrome’ to open the browser or ‘go home’ to navigate back to the handset’s home screen. Unlike other voice apps, the voice access beta app gives you access to some commands which can be used from anywhere…

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Google Voice Access Beta Lets You Control Your Smartphone by Voice

Google was supposed to introduce its ‘Voice Access’ service back at last year’s Google I/O conference, but never did so. The search giant has finally launched an ‘Voice Access’ beta app using which people can control several more features of their smartphones with voice commands. Users can now give commands such as ‘Open chrome’ to open the browser or ‘go home’ to navigate back to the handset’s home screen. Unlike other voice apps, the voice access beta app gives you access to some commands which can be used from anywhere…

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