Is your child feeling bogged down by academic pressure or social anxiety? Yoga at school will help

Yoga and mindfulness activities at school can help improve emotional health of children with anxiety, according to a study. Researchers at Tulane University worked with a public school in New Orleans to add mindfulness and yoga to the school’s existing empathy-based programming for students needing supplementary support. Third graders, who were screened for symptoms of anxiety at the beginning of the school year, were randomly assigned to two groups. A control group of 32 students received care as usual, which included counseling and other activities led by a school social…

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Academic Stress Can Trigger ADHD in Kids

A new study suggests that the increasing academic stress on younger children is likely to be the reason behind the high prevalence of attention-deficit disorder. Researchers from the University of Miami in the US hypothesized that increased academic standards since the 1970s have contributed to the rise in diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). From time spent studying to enrollment rates in pre-primary programmes, everything had increased, and not surprisingly, in the past 40 years also saw ADHD diagnoses double, the study revealed. The results showed that from 1981 to…

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