Gene Therapy May Treat Alzheimer’s

Researchers at the Imperial College here have found that delivering a specific gene via an injection directly into the brain may offer a potential new therapy for halting the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, especially when treated in its early stages. In the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team used a type of modified virus to deliver a gene to brain cells of mice. “Although these findings are very early they suggest this gene therapy may have potential therapeutic use for patients,” said…

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India Has 3.7 Million With Alzheimer’s, Will Double By 2030: Experts

A total of 3.7 million people in India are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, and related disorders, and the figure is likely to double by 2030, according to health experts on Tuesday. People over the age of 60 are becoming victim of Alzheimer’s, with women constituting 70 per cent of the total burden of the disorder. “Memory loss that accompanies aging doesn’t necessarily occur because you’re getting older, but because you’re not exercising your brain enough during your senior years. That’s why staying active by…

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Being Socially Active Early on Can Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay

If you are in your 30s or 40s and have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s, now is the time to start your fight to keep the disease at bay. At least for as long as you can. Experts say that although there is no preventive measure to escape Alzheimer’s, being socially active and adopting a healthy lifestyle early can delay its outset, maybe even stop it altogether. “Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, and it usually hits when one is around 60-65. If you have a family history…

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Eating Shark Products May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk

Consumed widely in Asia, shark products may not be actually that healthy for humans as researchers have found high concentrations of toxins linked to neuro degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease in the fins and muscles of sharks. “Our results suggest that humans who consume shark parts may be at a risk for developing neurological diseases.” said senior author of the study Deborah Mash, Professor of Neurology at the University of Miami in the US. Fins and muscle tissue samples were collected from 10 shark species found in the Atlantic…

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Mediterranean Diet, Exercise Can Cut Risk Of Alzheimer’s

Mediterranean diet, regular physical activity and a normal body mass index can reduce the incidence of protein build-ups that are associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, says a study. The findings showed that each one of several lifestyle factors – a healthy body mass index, physical activity and a Mediterranean diet – were linked to lower levels of plaques and tangles on the brain scans. Plaque, deposits of a toxic protein called beta-amyloid in the spaces between nerve cells in the brain; and tangles, knotted threads of the tau…

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Alzheimer’s gene may shrink brain starting in childhood

A gene associated with Alzheimer’s disease may shrink brain structures and lower thinking skills as early as in childhood, decades before the illness actually appears, says a research. The findings showed that children with epsilon(E)4 variant of the apolipoprotein-E gene showed differences in their brain development compared to children with E2 and E3 forms of the gene and were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. In such children the size of the hippocampus — a brain region that plays a role in memory — was found to be approximately 5…

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