Gut Bacteria May Lead to the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

A healthy gut is important for your well-being. It keeps your digestive system functioning efficiently. There are various good bacteria that reside in your stomach which help in the process of digestion. They are a complex group of microorganisms that work in various ways to carry out various metabolic functions. There are also various food products that are available in the stores which can improve your gut bacteria. While the benefits of gut bacteria have been spoken about in length by health experts, a recent study brings about another side…

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Grapes may shield you from Alzheimer’s

Eating grapes daily can help protect the brain against early decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease, show results of a pilot study involving people with early memory decline. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disease that results in a slow decline of memory and cognitive skills. “The study examines the impact of grapes as a whole fruit versus isolated compounds and the results suggest that regular intake of grapes may provide a protective effect against early decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease,” said lead investigator of the study Daniel Silverman from University of…

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The Brain’s Need for Glucose: Low Levels Could Predict Alzheimer’s Risk

People often confuse sugar with calories but they are very different. Sugar is a glucose compound which is broken down by the process of metabolism, into simpler molecules with the release of energy. Sugar, a form of glucose is necessary for sustaining life in a living organism. Any living organism or tissue or even a cell eventually dies when the sugar level depreciates. This glucose compound helps in manufacturing energy to perform essential biological processes. Such biological processes taking place inside a living organization leads to the sustaining of respective…

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Mushrooms May Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Mushroom, which one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, is now being touted as a superfood fungi. Mushrooms are also know for their surprising immunity-boosting benefits and anti-cancer properties. A new study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, adds to the list of its benefits. Researchers from the University of Malaya in Malaysia have shown that regular consumption of mushrooms may enhance nerve growth in the brain  and thus, help in delaying the development of age-related neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. According to latest reports, it as been…

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3 to 5 Cups of Coffee Daily May Prevent Alzheimer’s Risk

Drinking three to five cups of coffee a day may provide protection against age-related cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, a new report claims. The report by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC), a not-for-profit organisation devoted to the study and disclosure of science related to coffee and health, highlights the potential role of coffee consumption in reducing the risk of cognitive decline. The report concludes that a moderate intake of coffee (three to five cups per day) may provide protection against age-related…

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Alzheimer’s Proteins Behind Vision Loss in Elderly: Study

Researchers have found a group of proteins — known to be the likely cause ofAlzheimer’s disease — that get accumulated in the ageing retina causing damage to it and are also the key reason behind a vision loss condition among individuals aged 50 and older. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) — a leading cause of vision loss among people aged 50 and older — is a progressive disease that causes the death of the retinal photo receptors, the light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye. The most severe damage occurs…

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