Gut microbes could lead to depression in obesity

Turns out, gut microbes may contribute to depression and anxiety in obesity. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center studied mice that become obese when put on a high-fat diet. The Joslin scientists found that mice on a high-fat diet showed significantly more signs of anxiety, depression and obsessive behaviour than animals on standard diets. “As endocrinologists, we often hear people say that they feel differently when they’ve eaten different foods,” said C. Ronald Kahn, M.D., co-Head of the Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism at Joslin. His lab has long studied…

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Gut bacteria can hack into body clock to make you fat

In a study that may someday lead to new strategies to fight obesity, scientists have found that gut bacteria, or microbiome, regulates fat uptake and storage by hacking into and changing the function of the circadian clocks in the cells that line the gut. “Our work provides a deeper understanding of how the gut microbiota interacts with the circadian clock, and how this interaction impacts metabolism,” said Lora Hooper, Professor at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in the US. “It could also help to explain why people who work…

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Gut Bacteria May Help Slow Down Process of Ageing:Study

Can there be a way to prolong ageing with the help of the bacteria present withing your own body? May be yes. And that day may not be too far. Scientists have found a certain bacteria in our gut that may bring alive the possibility soon. Gut Bacteria is the complex community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of humans and other animals. A group of researchers suggest that supplements derived from this gut bacteria can one day influence the slowing down of the ageing process.   Scientists…

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SIBO: Symptoms and Causes of This Gut Infection

SIBO is the acronym for “small intestinal bacterial growth”. It is referred to as the large accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine. The small intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract. This is where the food intermingles with digestive juices and the nutrients get absorbed into the bloodstream. When you have SIBO, as food passes through the small intestine, the bacterial overgrowth interferes with the healthy digestive and absorption process. The bacteria associated with SIBO consume some of the foods and nutrients, leading to unpleasant symptoms including…

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Gut Bacteria May Lead to the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

A healthy gut is important for your well-being. It keeps your digestive system functioning efficiently. There are various good bacteria that reside in your stomach which help in the process of digestion. They are a complex group of microorganisms that work in various ways to carry out various metabolic functions. There are also various food products that are available in the stores which can improve your gut bacteria. While the benefits of gut bacteria have been spoken about in length by health experts, a recent study brings about another side…

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Kanji: The Miracle Winter Drink You Should Have for a Healthy Gut

In Goa, at the Serendipity Arts Festival earlier this month, I attended a fascinating workshop on fermentation, curated by chef Manu Chandra. The session was conducted by Aditya Raghavan, who seems to be quite a maverick and treats his bacteria and yeast with much respect, almost as pets, which of course they are! It was at the workshop that I had my first sip of Kombucha, fermented tea, the supposed elixir of life, discovered by the ancient Chinese and being successfully marketed by the Americans since the 1990s, as a…

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