​Playing video games, tennis may enhance memory

Activities like playing video games or tennis may help enhance your memory, a study has found. Attention-grabbing experiences release memory-enhancing chemicals in brain, helping to store memories that occur just before or soon after the experience, the study mentioned. “Activation of the locus coeruleus (part of the brainstem) increases our memory of events that happen at the time of activation and may also increase the recall of those memories at a later time,” said Robert Greene, Professor at the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Texas…

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Facial Yoga? sure, those 7 Ridiculously easy physical games Will narrow Your Face and Wipe Out Wrinkles

Yoga, the age old discipline has been the buzzword for a healthier way of life for pretty some time now. however do you understand what else has been spreading via the digital global like a lovable cat video? Facial Yoga. Ms. Seema Sondhi, founder of The Yoga Studio, says, “There are about fifty two muscle tissue to your face, and exercising them enables launch facial anxiety, neck and eye stress”. “The muscle tissues of the face are not any different from the muscular tissues of the rest of the body.…

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