Marmite could prevent miscarriages and birth defects, study shows

Love it or hate it, it turns out that marmite is actually pretty good for our health. Earlier this year we reported that the salty breakfast staple has been shown to boost brain function, and now it seems that it may also be beneficial for pregnant women and their unborn babies, too. A 12-year Australian study has concluded that marmite can reduce the risk of miscarriage and birth defects, as the high levels of vitamin B3 it contains work to treat molecular deficiencies in pregnant women. The research Scientists used genetic sequencing on…

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Brain Activity and Good Diet May Prevent Insomnia-Related Depression

al feedback as well as reinforce behaviours that are rewarded, while reducing behaviours that are not. The results showed that those who were less susceptible to the effects of poor sleep showed significantly higher brain activity in response to positive feedback or reward compared to negative feedback. The effects of poor sleep showed significantly higher brain activity “Poor sleep is not good, but you may have other experiences during your life that are positive. And the more responsive you are to those positive experiences, the less vulnerable you may be…

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Say yes to bananas and avocados. Eating them daily may prevent heart disease

Banana is beneficial for the health in more ways than one, while avocado is a great choice for people on a diet. Now, researchers have found that eating one banana and an avocado a day may prevent hardening of the arteries that can result in heart disease and death. The study, conducted on mice, showed these foods that are rich in potassium reduces vascular calcification – common complication in both heart and kidney disease. Calcification happens when calcium builds up in body tissue, blood vessels, or organs. This buildup can harden and disrupt…

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Food Habits You Should Follow to Regulate Hormones and Prevent Infertility

Having a baby is a beautiful, life changing event. Parenthood is a dream everyone has. A house full of tiny pattering feet, gurgling laughter, hugs and scraped knees, tantrums and drama, all add up to a joy that cannot be explained but only experienced.Some couples, however, find it difficult to conceive. Infertility affects about 10% of the Indian population. Given our population number, this is huge. The most common reason for infertility in males is oligospermia or poor sperm count and among women it is the hormone condition called PCOD…

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Avocado extract in food may prevent bacterial illness

The researchers found that the extracts from avocado seeds could be effective in controlling microbes that cause Listeria, a foodborne bacterial illness that can be very serious for pregnant women and people with impaired immune systems. In the study, the researchers from Tecnologico de Monterrey, in Mexico compared enriched acetogenin extract (EAE) from avocado seeds with two name-brand synthetic antimicrobials. They found that the EAE presented similar listeria-properties and chemical profiles to the synthetic antimicrobials. The EAE was effective at 37 degrees celsius and at a refrigeration temperature of four…

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Prevent osteoarthritis before it knocks you down

Osteoarthritis sometimes also called the degenerative arthritis is a joint disease that mostly affects cartilage. It is the most common form of arthritis that develops gradually overtime causing joint pain and stiffness. It occurs around the neck, hands, knees, spine, lower back, hips and feet. There can be many factors like genetic, obesity, old age, joint injuries, certain occupations, bone deformities and sex that may increase the risk of the disease. Once occurred, it can’t be cured. Remedies may ease the symptoms. So it’s always better to prevent it before…

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