As a blogger, you’re always looking for new ways to reach your target audience and provide them with value. When you first create a blog, it’s easy to come up with blog content to captivate your readers. But as time goes on, it’s important to consider new avenues to promote your brand and share your knowledge. That’s where podcasting comes into play. If you’re interested in starting a podcast and want to know the best podcast hosting sites available, you’re in the right place. Here are the top podcast hosting services,…

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Are Niche Social Media Sites the Beginning of a New Trend?

Major League Baseball (LB) announced a new social media app on April 18, 2017. The app is called Infield Chatter. As is the custom with new social media apps, this one is only available for your Android and iPhone devices. You can download it from the corresponding app store. As of this moment, there are five major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Instagram. All of these platforms have one thing in common: you can discuss almost any topic on them. Therefore, people get together and form their…

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