A good diet in adulthood can improve physical fitness in old age

A study looked at the long-term effect of a healthy diet during adulthood on physical function in older age and found it boosted physical fitness. The team, led by scientists at the University of Southampton, gathered data from 969 British men and women whose lifestyles have been monitored since they were born, in March 1946. The team collected information from the participants at ages 36, 43, 53, and 60-64, examining the participants’ diets at different ages in relation to three standard measures of physical function at age 60-64 – chair…

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Part of brain continues to grow even in adulthood

Have you ever noticed that the ability to recognise faces, a critical aspect for everyday social interactions, improves from childhood to adulthood? A study has revealed that in humans, a part of the brainresponsible for face recognition continues to grow into adulthood, while the region that helps to recognise places stays the same. The study was published in journal of Science. According to researchers, the ability to recognise faces, which is critical for everyday social interactions, improves from childhood to adulthood. In seeking to better understand brain activity to recognize…

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Soy protein in childhood may prevent bone loss in adulthood

Move over milk, soy protein isolate early in life might be what’s needed for strong, healthy bones in adulthood, researchers say. The findings showed that giving children a diet high in soy protein isolate can protect against serious bone loss during adulthood as well as help ensure overall better bone quality. “Appropriate early-life nutrition can optimise peak bone mass,” said Jin-Ran Chen, researcher at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas. “Consumption of soy foods has a variety of health benefits, including amelioration of bone loss…

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Chemotherapy may affect baby girls’ fertility in adulthood

Chemotherapy may affect baby girls’ fertility in adulthood (Harry Sieplinga/Getty Images) Chemotherapy treatment undertaken by women during their pregancy may negatively affect their unborn baby girls’ fertility in later adulthood, warns a study.   The findings showed that a drug called etoposide can damage the development of mouse ovary tissue grown in the lab. Etoposide is used to treat several types of cancer and is considered safe for use in pregnancy because it has a low risk of miscarriage and birth defects. However, little is known about the longer terms…

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You Gain the Most Weight in Early Adulthood

Here’s something to ponder as you consider whether to ditch that New Year’s resolution to exercise more: Your 20s are your prime weight-gaining years, according to data from the CDC. The data come from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, which involves medical examinations of thousands of men and women each year. The great thing about these numbers is that they’re based on clinicians’ examinations, not respondents’ self-reports. So fibbing about your actual weight isn’t an issue here. Epidemiologists have observed that the average person typically puts on 1…

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