Altering ‘Flavour’ of Humans Can Tackle Malaria

A specialised area of the mosquito brain mixes tastes with smells to create unique flavours, scientists have revealed, suggesting the development of a powerful odourant that can make “human flavour” repulsive to malaria-bearing species. Instead of feasting on us, the mosquitoes can then keep the disease to themselves, potentially saving an estimated 450,000 lives a year worldwide, said the team from Johns Hopkins University. “All mosquitoes, including the one that transmits malaria, use their sense of smell to find a host for a blood meal. Our goal is to let…

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Groundnut (Peanut) Oil: Add Flavour and Health to Your Everyday Cooking

To paraphrase Shakespeare slightly, the groundnut, by any other name, would taste as sweet. And so it has been bestowed with a handful of names – peanut, earth nut, goober pea, monkey nut, pig nut and pygmy nut.The groundnut (which is actually a legume, part of the bean family), much like many other ingredients beloved to Indian cooking, most likely came to us from abroad. This is a little difficult to wrap our heads around because it feels like such a thoroughly Indian food, just like tomatoes, papaya, cashew, potatoes…

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Flavour Boosters: five Ayurvedic Herbs We should Have in Our Kitchen

in relation to sitting down for a meal, there may be no extra feeling of satisfaction then being rewarded with pleasant flavours. that is the motive why culinary masters go all out on the subject of perfecting the flavour of their dish, which can end result from whatever – from adding spices to herbs and more. In Ayurvedic cooking, taste or rasa performs a totally important role. And no, it doesn’t simply should do with creating a dish delicious, however also delving deep into how all the substances put together…

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