Thumb-Sucking, Nail-Biting Can Actually Keep Allergies at Bay

PhotoCredit:istock Is your toddler addicted to “bad habits” such as thumb-sucking or nail-biting? Worry not, as according to a study, she or he is less likely to develop allergic sensitivities in the long run. The findings showed that children with both thumb-sucking or nail-biting habits were less likely to be allergic to things such as house dust mites, grass, cats, dogs, horses or airborne fungi. “Our findings are consistent with the hygiene theory that early exposure to dirt or germs reduces the risk of developing allergies,” said Malcolm Sears, professor…

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10 Magical Benefits of Onions That Keep the Doctor Away

I was born in Delhi and spent most of my childhood here. It was only in college that I left for Ahmedabad and later worked for a few years in Mumbai. As a food enthusiast, I realised early on in life that there is so much variety in India, that you can spend a lifetime sampling it and yet not end up trying everything. Every state, or rather each district, has its own unique cuisine, love for certain ingredients and traditions around food. The one thing that I noticed most…

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9 Amazing Benefits of Oats: Does a Bowl of Oatmeal a Day, Keep Diseases at Bay?

There isn’t a single morning when my grandmother doesn’t start her day without a steaming bowl of freshly cooked oats doused in milk. It always made me look at her quizzically and wonder… Why oats? Yes, it’s healthy, but can one really have it every single day? Nutritionist Gargi Sharma says, “Oats are rich in soluble fibers which help in lowering cholesterol levels. These soluble fibers help increase intestinal transit time and reduce glucose absorption. Oats also contain beta glucan which is a lipid lowering agent. A very healthy breakfast option –…

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Eat chocolate, keep diabetes away

Research Consumption of a small amount of chocolate each day may help prevent diabetes and insulin resistance, a new study has claimed. Researchers who analysed data of 1,153 people aged 18-69 years found that those who ate 100 gram of chocolate a day -equivalent to a bar -had reduced insulin resistance and improved liver enzymes. Insulin resistance is a well-established risk factor to cardiovascular disease, researchers said. They hypothesised that chocolate consumption may have a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity and liver enzymes and therefore decided to analyse a national…

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Black raspberry can help keep your heart safe

If metabolic syndrome runs in your family, then you may want to swap that typical dessert with a bowl of fresh black raspberries as a recent study suggests so. The study showed that black raspberry extract can significantly lower a key measure of arterial stiffness-an indicator of cardiovascular disease. Black raspberry intake was also associated with increased levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which help repair and regenerate damaged arteries. Nice Info !!Sundar Raj Han Saem Jeong, Sohyeon Kim, and coauthors from Korea University Anam Hospital (Seoul) and Gochang…

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‘Steps’ to Keep Heart Ailments Away From Diabetic Kids

Children who have Type-1 diabetes can improve their cardiovascular health simply by taking an extra 1,000 steps a day, according a new research. Keeping count of daily steps and boosting physical activity can really pay off for children with Type-1 diabetes, the findings showed. For the study, the researchers tracked the daily physical activity of 90 pre- to early-teenage children with Type-1 diabetes and found that those who undertook additional physical activity showed improvements in their blood vessel structure and other reductions in risk factors for heart disease. “Children with…

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