Too Much Phosphorous May Harm Your Kidneys!

Health experts and doctors have issued a warning against excess phosphorous in the human body claiming that it may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease where the phosphate levels in the body shoot up to abnormally high levels. According to them, muscle cramps, numbness, tingling, bone or joint pain, and rash are all the symptoms of hyperphosphatemia and people who experience them quite often should consult a doctor at the earliest. Phosphorous is an essential nutrient needed for proper cell functioning and regulation of calcium in the body for strong…

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More Evidence That We Need To Stop Sitting So Much: Especially Men

If you have a desk job, it is pretty easy to spend most of your day on your bum. Even after you punch the clock, chances are there will be more time sitting between your commute and the nightly intake of your favorite shows. You know you should at least walk a bit more during the day. If you are like most people, it is difficult to get motivated. But recent research might push you in the right direction – especially if you are a man. In a study published…

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Are You Drinking Too Much Sugar?

It would be a sad state if the only solution to optimal health were to cut out all sugar. To avoid the birthday cake, milkshake, ice cream and the oh-so-perfect chocolate chip cookie would be a true shame. Yet we hear so much about the need to decrease added sugars. Research strongly indicates that sugar consumption is associated with excess body weight and Type 2 diabetes. The 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommended that Americans consume no more than 10 percent of total calories in the form of added…

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Too Little Sleep, Or Too Much, Linked to Risk of Heart Disease

Sleep irregularities may be tied to a variety of health problems, such as diabetes and obesity, that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, a leading U.S. doctors group says. The risk may go up when people get too little sleep, or too much, according to a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA). “We do not know the optimal amount of sleep needed to minimize the risk of heart disease,” but people who get less than seven hours a night or more than nine hours may be more at…

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Lanka malaria-free, but India to take much longer

The spotlight has turned on India after successful elimination of malaria in Sri Lanka, which was certified by the World Health Organisation earlier this week during its ongoing 69th regional meet here. Despite a sharp reduction in its malaria statistics, India is still at risk of the disease and may take a few more years before achieving malaria-free status. The good news is that India is on the right track with an effective surveillance system and vector control programme and is likely to achieve its malaria eradication target well before…

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Sleeping too much or too less? You may be at stroke risk

Sleeping too much or too less? You may be at stroke risk (Miguel Sanz/Getty Images) Growing evidence has indicated that sleep disorders are highly prevalent in stroke patients, according to a recent literature review. Both insomnia and oversleeping are risk factors as well as consequences of stroke and may affect the patient’s recovery and recurrence of disease. The review is published in the online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The authors of the review have recommended that people who have had a stroke…

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