Use of antibiotic needs to be brought down

Use of antibiotic needs to be brought down There is an overall decline in antibiotic effectiveness across the world. While the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that antibiotic resistance is responsible for more than 2 million infections and 23,000 deaths each year in the US, the `State of the World’s Antibiotics2015′ estimates that 58,000 neonatal sepsis deaths are attributable to drug resistant infections in India alone. Director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at the George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, Lance Price,…

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Fighting Pollution: What Delhi Needs to do, Short and Long Term

Way back in 1972, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had famously and inextricably linked poverty and environmental pollution at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm. Much earlier, Mahatma Gandhi stated that “the earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed”. Air pollution, which now is a pervasive phenomenon in urban areas anywhere in the world, has become a deadlocked debate in Delhi over the last few days. The tragedy is that the poor suffer the most as they have no choice of “end-of-the…

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Why Protein is the Most Important Nutrient Your Body Needs Daily

You probably know how important protein is for your body. It helps keep your muscles strong and healthy and fights hunger better than fats and carbohydrates. But that’s not all protein does for you. In fact, protein is required by each and every cell of your body and that’s why protein is one of the important nutrients that the body requires in adequate amounts every day. Protein is, of course, a vital component of a healthy diet. Most of us have known this since we were kids – probably from…

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