3 Exercises High Heel Lovers Should Do to Avoid Foot Pain

Photo: Getty Images Anyone who’s ever squeezed into a pair of sky-high shoes knows heels can be hell on your feet. But the problems may not stop there. Wearing heels regularly can also affect your leg muscles over time, says podiatrist Bobby Pourziaee, a Los Angeles-based foot and ankle surgeon and the founder of the Spa on Rodeo. When you’re walking on tiptoes, your calf muscles are shortened—“and they can stay that way if heels are the only shoes you wear,” he explains. But that doesn’t mean you need to…

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5 Effective Exercises for Back Pain: Straighten Up!

I sit in front of the computer for hours and hours. That’s the nature of my job. After a particular time, my back starts to hurt and to make situations worse, when I make my way back home I have to carry the load of my laptop on my shoulders. I am probably not the only one suffering from back pain because of such reasons. Research suggests that between the age group 18 to 80, most people suffer from back pain due to lifestylehabits. Doctors say that back pain can…

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5 Simple Exercises for Knee Pain Relief

Feeling weak in the knees at the sight of that someone special may be a good thing but joint pain is definitely not the something you’d want to endure. Knee pain is one of the most serious problems in our country where Arthritis affects almost 15% of the population. Why do they hurt? Being overweight or obese, lack of muscle flexibility or strength, previous injury, loose cartilage, an inadequate diet which leads to weak bones and other problems like gout – there are several factors that can cause knee pain…

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7 Home Remedies for Period Pain

Ugh! That time of the month again… Cramping, bloating, mood swings, lower back pain, headache, fatigue, heavy bleeding – “This ‘natural process’ is our passage into womanhood? Seriously? Why can’t I just be a boy!?” (Yes that’s me complaining every 28 days, while being curled up in bed with a hot water bottle). Did you know that dysmenorrhea i.e. extreme period pain interferes with the daily activities of 1 in every 5 women according to the American Academy of Family Physicians? John Guillebaud, Professor of Reproductive Health at University College…

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To treat chronic pain, tune brain to a certain frequency

To treat chronic pain, tune brain to a certain frequency ( Tom Merton/Getty Images) Scientists have shown for the first time that “tuning in” the brain to a particular frequency can alleviate chronic pain. Chronic pain is often a mixture of recurrent acute pains and chronic persistent pain. About 20-50% of the general population suffers from chronic pain, which lasts for six months. Nerve cells on the brain surface are coordinated with each other at a particular frequency depending on the state of the brain. Alpha waves tuned at 9-12…

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Mild Exercise May Help Elderly to Decrease Arthritis Pain

Low-impact exercise programme helps to decrease pain, improve mobility and enhance quality of life in older adults with arthritis and other muscle and joint conditions, finds a study. “Joints will often stiffen if not used and muscles will weaken if not exercised. Our bodies are meant to move, and inactivity leads to weakness and stiffness, and joints with arthritis often worsen with inactivity,” said Theodore Fields, Managing Director of Rheumatology Faculty Practice Plan at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), US. Participants performed chair and floor mat exercises using stretch bands…

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