Can Season and Place of Birth Influence Celiac Disease Risk?

Winter babies and people born in places with shorter days and less sunlight might have a lower risk of developing celiac disease than peers born in warmer regions or seasons, a Swedish study suggests. About one in 100 people have celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. People with celiac disease can’t tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat, rye and barley. Left untreated, the condition can lead to complications such as malnutrition, low bone density, lactose intolerance and…

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Celiac ailment or Gluten hypersensitivity: Who Does It have an effect on and how are you going to come across It?

the first factor to understand approximately Celiac sickness is that it’s miles an autoimmune ailment, which could occur in genetically predisposed people in which the ingestion of gluten leads to harm of the small gut. it’s far anticipated to have an effect on one in 100 human beings worldwide and currently there’s no therapy for it. therefore, it’s far critical for the person that is diagnosed with Celiac disease to comply with a one hundred percentage gluten-free weight loss plan. I recollect when my son, Mannat, became identified with Celiac,…

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