Technology Is Taking Away Jobs, But It’s Also Creating Them

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn says it’s really happening. On Microsoft acquiring LinkedIn, he had a lot to say to his employees but some of the key things that stood out were his thoughts on how technology and automated processes are really changing the future of employment. Apart from all the wide-ranging effects it will have on our lives and society, in general, he says that technology is really beginning to displace millions of people from their jobs. So what should we do? What should really define our time? Weiner…

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Dear women, eat more fruits and veggies daily to keep stress away

  The study found that women who ate five-to-seven servings of fruit and vegetables daily had a 23% lower risk of stress. Does your routine, responsibilities and work issues stress you out? Eat more fruits and veggies. A study says people, especially women, who eat five-to-seven servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day are at a lower the risk of psychological stress. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal Open, indicate that people, who ate five-to-seven daily servings of fruits and vegetables had a 14% lower risk of…

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10 Unknown Benefits of Mango Leaves: Don’t Throw Them Away!

Mango, the quintessential summer fruit, is perfect for desserts. But who would have imagined that a sweet, juicy and delicious fruit like mango can also be a healthy superfood? Well, it’s true. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and minerals like copper, potassium and magnesium. Not only this, mango leaves which you may often discard can actually work as a great herbal medicine. Mango leaves are full of healing and medicinal properties. They are reddish or purplish when tender and new, and grow into a dark green color…

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10 Magical Benefits of Onions That Keep the Doctor Away

I was born in Delhi and spent most of my childhood here. It was only in college that I left for Ahmedabad and later worked for a few years in Mumbai. As a food enthusiast, I realised early on in life that there is so much variety in India, that you can spend a lifetime sampling it and yet not end up trying everything. Every state, or rather each district, has its own unique cuisine, love for certain ingredients and traditions around food. The one thing that I noticed most…

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Women need proper Zzzs while men can get away with napping

Does too little sleep leave you feeling groggy and not your male partner? Turns out, you’re not alone in this particular battle of the sexes. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute analysed the sleep patterns of 160 adults to consider how sleep affects intellectual capacity and found that getting a good night’s sleep boosts women’s brain power, while men benefit from shorter naps, the Independent reported. The researchers monitored the cohort’s sleep patterns, as well as performing intelligence tests on them to assess their reasoning and problem solving skills, Mail…

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Eat chocolate, keep diabetes away

Research Consumption of a small amount of chocolate each day may help prevent diabetes and insulin resistance, a new study has claimed. Researchers who analysed data of 1,153 people aged 18-69 years found that those who ate 100 gram of chocolate a day -equivalent to a bar -had reduced insulin resistance and improved liver enzymes. Insulin resistance is a well-established risk factor to cardiovascular disease, researchers said. They hypothesised that chocolate consumption may have a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity and liver enzymes and therefore decided to analyse a national…

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