Take a holiday, boost your immunity

Take a holiday, boost your immunity (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) Altering Living Space Makes White Blood Cells Better Prepared To Fight Infections. Going on a two-week holiday could boost our immune system and help fight infection, suggest scientists, who found that alterations to living space of mice dramatically changed their white blood cells and made them more prone to having a protective inflammatory effect. The research at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) provides the first evidence that an enriched environment influences the function of T-cells -a type of white blood…

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Laughter-based exercise may boost health in the elderly

Incorporating laughter into a physical activity program could improve older adults’ mental health, aerobic endurance and confidence in their ability to exercise, a study has found. In the study, older adults participated in a moderate-intensity group exercise program called ‘LaughActive’ that incorporates playful simulated laughter — self-initiated as bodily exercise — into a strength, balance and flexibility workout. The findings showed that simulated laughter can be an ideal way for older adults with functional or cognitive impairment. Significant improvements were also found among participants in mental health, aerobic endurance and…

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5 Smart Tricks to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for bone and muscle health, sperm production and hair growth. It stimulates development of the male secondary sexual characteristics that is produced mainly in the testes, and also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex. You can lose testosterone as you age, and even from chronic illnesses. Lower levels of testosterone or hypogonadism can result in a succession of problems, including low energy levels. According to a recent study at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, low levels of testosterone can increase…

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4 Magical Foods That Could Help Boost Your Immunity

The onset of monsoon season brings about a host of infections, allergies, cold and flu with it. The body is most susceptible to infection if it is weak and in a state of imbalance. Hard to digest foods or unhealthy eating habits compromise immunity and health. Building a healthy immune system is not rocket science, in fact, a lot of it is common sense.So how do we support robust immunity? Here are some essential tips to remember – 1. Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.…

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Could fruit and veg boost happiness?

Could fruit and veg boost happiness? (Mike Kemp/Getty Images) The reasons experts usually give for eating more fruit and vegetables tend to be about long-term health benefits, but piling on the produce may also improve wellbeing in the shorter term, researchers say. Based on national surveys in Australia, the study team linked increases in fruit and vegetable servings per day to rising happiness over two years. With the addition of eight portions of fruit and veg daily, the change in wellbeing was about equivalent to going from unemployment to a…

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Cinnamon May Boost Your Kid’s Learning Ability

Is your kid finding it difficult to memorize lessons at school? Worry not, a new study suggests that adding a pinch of cinnamon to milk or their morning meal may help improve their learning ability, The study led by an Indian-origin researcher and based on a mice-model shows that consumption of cinnamon on a regular basis improved memory and learning at a level found in good learning mice. “This would be one of the safest and the easiest approaches to convert poor learners to good learners,” said lead researcher Kalipada Pahan, professor at…

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