Low Calcium Intake Could Trigger Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Study

According to a latest study, those with deficiency in calcium in their blood are on a higher risk of experiencing Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) than those with optimal levels. Calcium plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and joints, strong teeth and healthy blood vessels. It also helps regulate blood pressure and prevent diabetes. The researchers revealed that Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is fatal for over 90 percent of patients, and more than half of men and close to 70 percent of women who die of SCA have shown to have…

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6 Foods That Contain More Calcium Than a Glass of Milk

When we talk about your daily dose of calcium, what comes to your mind? A tall glass of milk, perhaps? But what if we told you that there are a whole lot of other healthy foods that contain copious amounts of calcium even more than a glass of milk? So, if you have been unwillingly chugging a glass of milk every day to get your calcium dose, you can try turning to these foods instead. You won’t be disappointed. A regular glass of milk (250 ml) contains roughly about 300 mg of…

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Calcium Deposits May Cause Premature Births

The calcium deposits in the amniotic fluid — the fluid surrounding a foetus — is the leading cause behind the rupture of the foetal membranes, commonly known as water breaking, and lead to premature birth of a baby, a study has found. Globally, more babies than one in 10 are born preterm — birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy — and nearly one million children die each year due to complications of preterm birth, according to World Health Organization (WHO). These children may be at an increased risk of a…

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Excessive Calcium May Damage Your Heart: Study

Taking calcium in the form of supplements may raise the risk of plaque buildup in arteries and heart damage, although a diet high in calcium-rich foods appears to be protective, scientists have found. After analysing 10 years of medical tests on more than 2,700 people, researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the US, said the results add to growing scientific concerns about the potential harms of supplement. “Our study adds to the body of evidence that excess calcium in the form of supplements may harm the heart…

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Calcium Supplements Tied to Higher Dementia Risk for Some Women

Some older women who take calcium supplements commonly recommended to ward off age-related bone damage may face an increased risk of developing dementia, a small study suggests. The heightened dementia risk appears limited to women who have had a stroke or suffer from other disorders that affect blood flow to the brain, researchers report in the journal Neurology. “Our study is the first to show a relationship between calcium supplementation and increased risk for dementia in older women,” said lead author Dr. Silke Kern of the University of Gothenburg in…

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Here’s how leaky calcium puts epileptics at heart risk

Here’s how leaky calcium puts epileptics at heart risk (Keith Brofsky/Getty Images) Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) has long bedeviled doctors and now, a team of researchers may have found the cause of it. In a paper, researchers from Baylor College of Medicine reported how a mutation in a gene involved in the regulation of calcium inside brain cells can help trigger blackouts of the brainstem, the center that controls heartbeat and breathing, and increase the risk of sudden unexpected death. “SUDEP turns out to be the most common…

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