Mouth Ulcers: Causes, Prevention and Easy Home Remedies

We have all suffered from ulcers in the mouth at some time or another. Mouth ulcers or canker sores are small, painful legions that are usually harmless and clear up on their own. However, they can be painful and extremely troublesome as they interfere with your eating habits. They are round or oval with a white or yellow centre and a red rim. Ulcers of the mouth can be found inside the cheeks, on the tongue or below it, on the gums, or the lips. Sometimes, these ulcers may even…

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10 Easy Ways to Eat Healthy in College

Eating well as a co-ed is hard. And why wouldn’t it be? “College is a place where you’re often set up for food failure,” says Atlanta-based health coach Chelsea Hunter. For the first time in your life, you’re on your own, making decisions about what you should and shouldn’t eat. You’re surrounded by salty snacks and sweets, you’re almost always in a rush, and controlling what you consume without a kitchen at your disposal can be majorly challenging. But college is also the place where you can start establishing good…

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5 Easy Stretching Exercises to Improve Your Flexibility

We’ve often been told to begin our workout with stretches but do we know if we need them at all? Why, yes! Stretching imparts flexibility which helps you zip through your training sessions. But stretching has a lot to offer and not just when it comes to exercise. Stretching can have wonderful calming effects – it energizes and relaxes. Here’s your ultimate guide to stretching. Before or after the workout? We’d say both. It’s good to stretch before your workout as it allows your body to warm up. It encourages…

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How to go easy with these diet snacks

The demand for healthy diet snacks has gone up as people have become quite fitness conscious. But if you gorge on them mindlessly, even these healthy snacks can cause trouble in your weight loss plans. Nuts All nuts are good news so eat your walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashew or pistachios raw or dry roasted. They are rich in fiber and protein, and help control blood glucose and lipids. However, they are loaded with calories, so grab a handful each time. Also avoid fried or packaged nuts as they are often…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga: Tips and Easy Poses to Get You Started

Yoga has something for everyone. It begins by making you focus on your breathing, which plays a crucial role in helping you cleanse the body, mind and soul. What work in tandem are the many flexibility-enhancing, muscle-building, fat-blasting postures that fortify the stamina and up your fitness level. Watching yoga gurus and experts performing some unnerving poses can get intimidating but the truth is that everybody starts from scratch. The basics are always of the utmost importance in order to master any art. If you have not been to a…

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How to Get Rid of a Double Chin: 5 Easy Exercises

While we’re told that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, most of us look for some sort of reinforcement when we look at the mirror and having a double chin may rob your confidence. The good news is that you don’t have to undergo painful surgeries or expensive treatments to get rid of it. You can work on it the natural way. You may have not known but there are some simple exercises that you can do at home to combat a double chin. But first, why do…

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