Never Put Hot Food In the Fridge, Here’s Why

Loved your piping hot bowl of stew and now going towards the fridge to refrigerate the left over? Stop! You may want to wait for it to cool down to room temperature before putting it in the fridge. In our bid to wrap up all the kitchen work in a jiffy, we often end up keeping foods that are still hot in the fridge. Did you know this can actually be dangerous for you and your family? The purpose of freezing is essentially to prevent the food from losing its…

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Reasons Why You Should Never Cook Honey

Honey has a long standing reputation of containing medicinal properties and makes an incredible substitute for sugar and artificial sweeteners. It is considered a traditional superfood that consists of various probiotics, enzymes and amino acids that are used to benefit health in many ways. Honey in its raw form is a useful resource to attain a glowing skin and keep it healthy. It has potent anti-microbial properties that make it useful as a natural antibiotic. While the raw form of honey may be an excellent source of good health and…

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Another Reason to Never Eat Fast Food Again (That Has Nothing to Do With Fat)

Add this to the list of reasons a drive-thru meal isn’t good for you: the paper it comes packaged in may contain chemicals linked to serious health problems, according to a new study. The Silent Spring Institute, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and the Green Science Policy Institute teamed up with researchers at the University of Notre Dame and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to analyze more than 400 wrappers and containers from 27 fast-food chains throughout the country. About half the wrappers tested contained flourine, a marker for fluoridated compounds known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl…

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11 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Kids

Any dad knows that feeding kids can be a huge headache. Whether you’re squeezing in supper before soccer practice, packing lunches before sunup, or just coaxing a picky eater to put something in her mouth, it’s often much easier to give kids quick, convenient (and, yes, unhealthy foods) rather than nutritious meals. It doesn’t help that chicken fingers, Fruit Roll-Ups, and root beer are the stuff youngsters usually love. You’ll never completely ace your kids’ diets, nor do you want to deprive them of occasional treats. But there are some foods…

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Aurangzeb as never seen or believed!

  How should we view Aurangzeb, the last of the Great Mughals, and perhaps the most polarising figure in pre-modern Indian history. Was he a ruthless tyrant who did not even spare his family in his power bid and weakened the empire by his bigotry and ceaseless warring, or a determined, conscientious ruler but inflexible in his faith, as roughly par for his times. The general depiction of Aurangzeb in popular culture – and there has been quite a bit in recent times – is as an ambitious and scheming…

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