Facial Tips: Is it Really Beneficial & How Often Should You Get Them

Most people, men and women, start paying attention to their skin and hair only when it comes to attending a special occasion such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, reunions and other parties. I think women especially go out of their way in their beauty regime to look their best, addressing every little beauty issue to be able to flaunt a flawless skin. But, what happens to our skin for the rest of the year? Most often, due to lack of time, we tend to ignore the basic skin care practises and…

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10 Tips on How to Control Diabetes

One of the major diseases affecting millions and millions of people in the country, diabetes is deadly. It is a condition when the hormone called insulin that is produced by the pancreas is unable to break down glucose into energy, and as such, the blood sugar level increases in the body. It is a life-long illness and those suffering from it have to be on medication and watch their diet strictly. One’s diet plays a major role in keeping a control on the blood sugar level, which can fluctuate tremendously…

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8 Tips for Controlling Portion Sizes

Why portion control matters When you have type 2 diabetes, you need to gauge portion sizes correctly, so you know how many calories and carbohydrates you’re taking in and how they will affect your blood sugar. Learning what a portion size actually is—and eating that amount—is tricky. People are notoriously bad at estimating what, say, a cup of breakfast cereal looks like. Limit portions, lose weight Limiting portions can help you lose weight and ultimately prevent complications. A 2004 study of 329 overweight people found that 38% of those who…

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The Weight Gain Diet Plan: 5 Tips for Putting on Extra Kilos

As amazing as it may sound, some people actually want to gain weight. If you are one such person, you are probably envied by your friends and colleagues. Who wouldn’t kill to not have to deal with watching one’s diet constantly? But the grass is always greener on the other side. There are a significant number of people who struggle with their bony fame, failing to add the needed mass. When I tried looking for scientific research papers on how to gain weight the healthy way, the internet showed up…

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Tips for recovery after running a marathon

Post Marathon week is the most awaited and enjoyable week which is something, I always look forward to! This is how I spend my post marathon week putting all my energy and focus on recovering and bouncing back. This is the best time to relax, recover and re-start. Congratulations for finishing your Marathon now it’s time to focus on recovery especially after you have run those hard-fought 26.2 miles where the body goes through physical stress, wear and tear of your muscles. It’s now time to rehydrate and refuel. Recovery…

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The Anti-Ageing Diet: 5 Tips on How to Slow Down Ageing

It’s obvious that the quality of food we choose on a daily basis influences our health. Yet most of us have absolutely no idea what or how much we are actually eating. Ageing isn’t just the unfolding of a genetic time table. It has a lot to do with the damage you do on the inside through poor food and lifestyle choices. Anti-ageing begins on a cellular level and not on the surface of your skin. So there really aren’t any miracle moisturisers, lotions or potions to turn back the…

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