Frozen embryos more effective in women with hormonal disorder

Frozen embryos more effective in women with hormonal disorder (Rinelle/Getty Images) Women with hormonal disorders who are implanted with frozen embryos during in vitro fertilisation can have safer and more successful pregnancies than those who receive fresh embryos, a recent study has revealed. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. The findings showed that using frozen embryos lowered the rate of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome — a medical condition affecting the ovaries of some women who take fertility medication…

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5 ways to meditate with ease

Meditate at ease For many meditation is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes your mind wanders off or your body is tired and you are unable to concentrate. If you are one of those, apply these tips to clear that block to meditate with ease. Go serene If you have a cluttered mind running wild with thoughts, get your attention back by thinking of peaceful settings of green grass, birds chirping, a stream flowing… basically sounds of nature which can guide you to a relaxed mind. Sit at ease…

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Air Pollution Tied to Shorter Survival With Lung Cancer

Exposure to air pollution has long been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer, and a new study suggests it might also be tied to a faster death from the disease. Researchers examined cancer registry data on more than 350,000 people diagnosed with lung cancer in California and found patients who lived in communities with higher than average levels of air pollution typically died sooner than their peers who lived in places with cleaner air. Patients with lung cancer may be a new subgroup of people susceptible to the…

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Improve your eye health with these superfoods

Munch your way to better eye health with citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruits (Thinkstock) Your eyes are one of the most important organs of your body and need to be well taken care of. Just doing eye exercises isn’t enough though. You also need to eat foods that help improve eye health. While carrots are excellent for your eyes, there are other foods that are helpful as well… Certain fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that are known to prevent dry…

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Beat the flab with these healthy alternatives

Beat the flab with these healthy alternatives Now that the Kerala government has imposed a 14.5% fat tax on unhealthy food items sold in food chains to raise awareness as well as money for preventive healthcare; here are a few healthier substitutes for all the foodies to keep your weight in control, while giving you all the pleasures of a sumptuous and delicious meal. So, why wait until the fat tax on junk food becomes an official mandate in Telangana and burn a hole in your pocket? Fatty is not…

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Get expressive with word bobby pins

  Bobby pins, that are supposed to hold your hair in place without being conspicuous, have got a glam makeover. Fun pins with words like ‘Cool’, ‘Party’, ‘Love’ and ‘Hello’ are a rage among happening youngsters, who are going online to source their pin of choice. These pins are perfect for those who use a particular catchphrase often, and want to make it a part of their look. They also makes for great inexpensive gifts for a friend who swears by a certain catchphrase. What’s more? This is a good…

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