Are You Drinking Too Much Sugar?

It would be a sad state if the only solution to optimal health were to cut out all sugar. To avoid the birthday cake, milkshake, ice cream and the oh-so-perfect chocolate chip cookie would be a true shame. Yet we hear so much about the need to decrease added sugars. Research strongly indicates that sugar consumption is associated with excess body weight and Type 2 diabetes. The 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommended that Americans consume no more than 10 percent of total calories in the form of added…

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Heavy Drinking During Youth Can Disrupt Brain Development

Excessive alcohol use during adolescence can disrupt the development of brain and increase risk of substance use disorder later in life, a study says. “The maturation of the brain is still ongoing in adolescence, and especially the frontal areas and the cingulate cortex develop until the twenties. Our findings strongly indicate that heavy alcohol use may disrupt this maturation process,” said first author of the study Noora Heikkinen from University of Eastern Finland. Cingulate cortex has an important role in impulse control, and volumetric changes in this area may play…

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4 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water (and Why You Should Skip Cold Water)

We are all aware of the importance of this nutrient. Yes, water is a nutrient! But a much neglected one. 60 to 70 per cent of our body is made up of water and when we do not hydrate it well, it is inevitable that we will face health problems.People often claim that they are too busy during the day to grab a glass of water. Not just that, our modern lifestyle and tastes also influence the amount of water we drink on a daily basis. My clients often say, they would usually prefer…

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Are You Drinking Enough Water? 6 Signs to Look Out For

On a daily basis, the human body loses water, even when you’re not purposely working up a sweat. The amount, of course, varies depending on your activity levels and climatic conditions. The body is however tuned to tell you whether you need to replenish your water reservoir. The easiest way to judge if your body needs water is how thirsty you are. In simple sense, water is essential simply because of its liquid consistency. Water, with its remarkable dissolving properties, is the perfect medium for transmitting substances, such as phosphates…

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Parental Absence May Lead to Early Smoking, Drinking

  Parental absence in early childhood as a result of death or relationship break-up is linked to an increased risk of children starting to smoke and to drink alcohol even before they reach teenage years, says a study. “Associations between parental absence and early smoking and alcohol consumption may operate through a range of mechanisms, such as reduced parental supervision,self-medication, and adoption of less healthy coping mechanisms,” the researchers said. The researchers from University College London drew on data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study, which has been tracking the…

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Moderate drinking may not affect women’s fertility

 (iStock) Although current U.S. guidelines encourage women to stop drinking while trying to get pregnant, a new Danish study suggests giving up alcohol may not be necessary for improving the chances of conceiving. Women in the study who drank up to 14 drinks per week were just as likely as those who didn’t drink at all to get pregnant in the first month of trying. “We tell women not to eat seafood, or consume too much caffeine when trying to conceive,” Dr. Christina Porucznik of the University of Utah in…

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