Heavy Snowfall May Put Men At Risk of Heart Attack: Here’s Why

There’s a different charm in living in a hill station. The mesmerizing view and the cool air can soothe you from within. And being away from all the noise and pollution is no doubt a blessing. You can also enjoy the luxury of walking around to soak in some sun and nature’s beauty, and eat clean and healthy. While one can go on about the beauty of cold places, on the contrary, it also brings along with it a set of drawbacks. Cold climate can actually cause havoc as you…

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6 Incredible Leg Exercises for Men and Women to Tone Up

Why concentrate only on the upper body when your lower body needs equal attention? Have you been shying away from wearing that short black dress or denim shorts? It needn’t be so. It’s time to focus on your lower body and work towards getting toned legs, thighs and butt. Here are some super effective exercises for both men and women that will strengthen, tighten and tone your butt, quads, hamstrings and calves. These leg exercises will not only work towards body sculpting but provide advantageous benefits such as increasing metabolism,…

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Cancer Rates On the Rise: Women Are More at Risk Than Men

How healthy are you? This is a question you should take very seriously. You may convince yourself that all those binging of colas, fried snacks, greasy burgers, doughnuts and cupcakes wouldn’t hurt you after all, but remember that the effects show only much later, as you grow older. We all live very hectic lives with tight schedules, falling short of time for any physical activity or mindful eating. But shouldn’t your health be a priority? Unhealthy lifestyle habits can have various consequences on your health, paving way for deadly diseases…

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5 Helpful Back Exercises for Men to Get Rid of the Pain

In a fast paced world as ours, one hardly has any time for personal needs, leave alone time for another person. Owing to this very lifestyle, we are naturally more susceptible to health issues than our ancestors ever were. Our competitive nature, desire for material gains and so on, lead to neglecting our personal health which should, in fact, hold number one position in our priority list. Physical exercise is extremely important for men in order to keep their health intact and stable. In fact, physical fitness and mental health…

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Men Want Quick Results from Therapy, Women Happy to Talk

Men prefer quick fixes whereas women prefer talking about their feelings during therapy to battle depression. According to this new study, men apparently commit suicide at three to four the rate in comparison to women, and yet men don’t seek psychological help as much as women. “This might be because the types of treatment on offer are less appealing to men because many psychological interventions are more about talking than about fixing problems,” said John Barry from University College London. “It is likely that men benefit as much as women…

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Vitamin D Deficiency May Up Chronic Headache Risk In Elderly Men

Deficiency in the levels of Vitamin D may increase the risk of chronic headache in middle-aged and older men, according to a new study. The findings showed that individuals with the lowest vitamin D levels had over a two-fold risk of chronic headache in comparison to the those with the highest levels. Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with chronic tension-type headache, perhaps by causing musculoskeletal pain. Previous studies have found Vitamin D to play a role in various neurovascular diseases. The study adds to the accumulating body of…

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