Eat These 7 Calcium-Rich Fruits To Ensure Healthy Bones And Teeth

Minerals play a crucial role in our body; one of the most important minerals is calcium. After all it is responsible for supporting the development of healthy teeth, bones, muscles and so much more. Moreover, it is also one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, which is essential for health. According to the Harvard University, the minimum daily calcium requirement is 1,000 milligrams a day for women below 50 years and 1,200 milligrams for women over 50 years. Your dietary choices help you load up on an…

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You can make your bones live after you

Rahul Sharma (name changed) teaches at Delhi University today thanks to a bone donor. He had lost a part of his thigh bone to cancer, and when the metal replacement became infected eight years later his only hope was a bone graft as he could not buy another implant for Rs 5 lakh. Sharma was lucky the bone bank at AIIMS–India’s first–had bone tissue when he needed it. In its 18-year existence the bank has got only 32 donations, and none at all in the past two years.The number of…

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Soluble corn fibre can help women build stronger bones

Soluble corn fibre can help women build stronger bones (Getty Images) Supplementing food with soluble corn fibre at two critical times in a woman’s life – adolescence and post-menopause – can help build and retain calcium in the bones, two studies have found. “We are looking deeper in the gut to build healthy bone in girls and help older women retain strong bones during an age when they are susceptible to fractures,” said Purdue University Professor Connie Weaver, who was associated with both the studies. “Soluble corn fibre, a prebiotic,…

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Soluble Corn Fibre Can Help Women Build Stronger Bones

Supplementing food with soluble corn fibre at two critical times in a woman’s life – adolescence and post-menopause – can help build and retain calcium in the bones, two studies have found. “We are looking deeper in the gut to build healthy bone in girls and help older women retain strong bones during an age when they are susceptible to fractures,” said Purdue University Professor Connie Weaver, who was associated with both the studies. “Soluble corn fibre, a prebiotic, helps the body better utilise calcium during both adolescence and post-menopause.…

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Contraceptives also help keep your bones stronger

Turns out, contraceptives may also be helping women in maintaining their vitamin D levels. Contraceptives are known for keeping women safe from unwanted pregnancies and have helped many developing countries in keeping a check on the population boom. But turns out, contraceptives may also be helping women in maintaining their vitamin D levels. A recent study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has revealed that women who stop taking contraceptives in order to get pregnant may witness a fall in vitamin D levels in their…

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workout Can increase stronger Bones in your kid

physical hobby builds more potent bones in youngsters, even for individuals who deliver genetic editions that predispose them to bone weak point, new studies from The kid’s health center of Philadelphia (CHOP) inside the US has determined.”whilst we’ve got regarded for many years that physical hobby during early life builds up bone and confers lifelong benefits, we did not realize whether or not the consequences of activity rely on genetic dangers for bone fragility,” said observe first writer Jonathan Mitchell.The look at, posted in the magazine of Bone and Mineral…

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