5 High Fibre, Weight- Loss Friendly Snacks You Can Munch Through The Day

Struggling to shed those extra inches around your tummy? Tried all sorts of dieting, yet no trace of desired results? Well, let us tell you a secret. Weight loss is as much about what you are eating as it is about how much you are eating. Alongside proteins, experts always recommend upping your intake of fibre for those on a weight reduction diet. This is because a diet rich in fibre helps you manage your weight by keeping you full for longer and curbing unwanted cravings. It can even regulate the…

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How to get more fibre into your diet

Most of us need to eat more fibre and have fewer added sugars in our diet. Eating plenty of fibre is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. Government guidelines published in July 2015 say that our dietary fibre intake should increase to 30g a day, as part of a healthy balanced diet. As most adults are only eating an average of about 18g day, we need to find ways of increasing our intake. Children under the age of 16 don’t need as…

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Soluble corn fibre can help women build stronger bones

Soluble corn fibre can help women build stronger bones (Getty Images) Supplementing food with soluble corn fibre at two critical times in a woman’s life – adolescence and post-menopause – can help build and retain calcium in the bones, two studies have found. “We are looking deeper in the gut to build healthy bone in girls and help older women retain strong bones during an age when they are susceptible to fractures,” said Purdue University Professor Connie Weaver, who was associated with both the studies. “Soluble corn fibre, a prebiotic,…

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Soluble Corn Fibre Can Help Women Build Stronger Bones

Supplementing food with soluble corn fibre at two critical times in a woman’s life – adolescence and post-menopause – can help build and retain calcium in the bones, two studies have found. “We are looking deeper in the gut to build healthy bone in girls and help older women retain strong bones during an age when they are susceptible to fractures,” said Purdue University Professor Connie Weaver, who was associated with both the studies. “Soluble corn fibre, a prebiotic, helps the body better utilise calcium during both adolescence and post-menopause.…

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