Bitcoin Investment Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated? See These 4 Benefits

When the co-founder of PayPal gives an endorsement, investors take notice. Bitcoin started out as an investment in which most people struggled to understand the mechanics and value. At its inception, the cryptocurrency’s only investors were technophiles ready to try out something revolutionary. Less than a decade later, Bitcoin has made huge strides in the investment universe and its value has soared to incredible heights. A $1,000 investment in Bitcoin in 2011 would be worth over $15,000,000 today — and it shows no sign of slowing down. In 2017 alone, Bitcoin has grown over…

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Indian Angel Network plans investment in around 150 startups

NEW DELHI: Venture capital consortium Indian Angel Network (IAN) is looking to invest in about 150 start-up firms in coming 4-5 years, a co-founder of the investment group said. “We have made six commitments as of now. In next 4-5 years, we have plans to invest in 100-150 firms,” said IAN co- founder Saurabh Srivastava. He said there is no shortage of funds at IAN and investors are looking at right opportunities. “We have funded in range of half a million to a million. Some has been to the tune of 3…

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David Cameron to set up £750m UK-China investment fund

China’s President Xi Jinping drinks a pint of beer with David Cameron during his visit to Britain in 2015 CREDIT: GETTY David Cameron is helping to set up up a new £750m UK-China investment fund aimed at forging closer ties between the two countries, it has been confirmed. The former Prime Minister will become vice chairman of the new private equity fund after being approached for the role by Lord Chadlington, a friend and former Tory donor. The announcement, which confirmed reports published last month, came as the Government prepared to set…

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Duo line up investment in Bengal

Calcutta: Bengal industry and finance minister Amit Mitra has disclosed two upcoming investments in the state – one, a state-owned firm teaming up with an overseas partner and the other with export potential. Shalimar Works, a state government-owned shipbuilding and repair firm is looking to partner with a Bangladeshi firm to form a special purpose vehicle, while IFB Agro, which is known for its liquor and seafood businesses, is setting up a manufacturing unit at Halidia to export shrimps. “Shalimar Works builds civilian vessels for Indian Navy and they have requested…

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Don’t ignore Alternative Investment Funds while building your long term portfolio; here’s why

Indian economy is already looking up after crucial and series of difficult reforms have been implemented over the last three years while some are still in the process of getting implemented. In this scenario, Indian investors are betting big on equities, especially when gold and properties are not on the preferred list of assets. In a tectonic shift most investors – Ultra HNI, HNI, and retail – are focusing largely on long-term investments rather than being swayed by short-term scenarios both external and internal. Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and Mutual…

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Govt approves phasing out of 25-year-old Foreign Investment Promotion Board

FDI applications needing govt approval to be handled by the concerned Ministries/Depts The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved phasing out of the 25-year-old Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). The FIPB is the inter-ministerial body — or a single window clearance mechanism for applications on foreign direct investment (FDI) in India in sectors under the government approval route. The move to phase out the FIPB is aimed at making India a more attractive FDI destination and increasing FDI inflows by providing greater ease of doing business and promoting the ‘Maximum Governance and Minimum…

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