Health Benefits of Cloves (Laung): A Spice That Deserves More Attention

One of my favourite winter spices, cloves are often pushed to the edge of your plate. They are mostly used to flavour dishes but seldomly eaten whole. But if you’d know about their impressive qualities, you’d agree they deserve more attention. Looking back, cloves were probably first used by Chinese emperors to hide bad breath. Over the years, cloves grabbed a prominent place in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda to treat nausea, digestive disorders and flu. The clove tree which is native to Indonesia bears dry, aromatic flower buds which…

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Fitness Star Kelsey Wells Shows That Even She Gets Belly Bloat

Photo: mysweatlife/Instagram Kelsey Wells usually shares photos of her six-pack on her Instagram page, but on Monday the fit mom shared a photo of her stomach looking rounded and bloated. Wells explained that even though she’s super in-shape, she isn’t immune to stomach bloat or stretch marks. “I try to indulge in moderation, but let’s be honest I’m human and I love food and that doesn’t always happen,” she writes. “I wanted to post this because I have received more than a few questions lately such as, ‘How do you never look bloated?,’ ‘How do you never…

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8 Incredible Mustard Oil Benefits That Make It So Popular

There are some ingredients that can never be replaced in the Indian kitchen. Not only are they essential in creating various regional delicacies, their uses are manifold and extend beyond the confines of the kitchen. One such example is mustard oil. While it does take some “getting used to” to familiarise yourself with the pungency, get past it and you will soon learn to appreciate its unique flavour. It is addictive.In Eastern and North Eastern India, it is hard to imagine life without a bottle of mustard oil at home.…

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Alcoholism is a National Problem that Localities Struggle to Address

A cohesive set of national policies is needed, one that recognizes not only that alcoholism is a disease but also that medical solutions alone will not solve social problems. Across the country, some local solutions are being tried. Housing First, an assistance approach that tries to provide homeless people with permanent housing quickly and gives them supportive services as needed, holds significant promise because it recognizes that the social situation is the real emergency. Housing First would house a person like Mr. P – whose story is told in the…

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5 Foods that every woman should include in her diet

While it is imperative to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, there are certain foods that every woman should include in her diet — foods that are excellent not just for overall health, but ones that can actually safeguard you from a number of ailments. Spinach It may not be the most tempting thing to eat but spinach has so many assorted mineral and vitamins that not eating it would be a big mistake. Packed with magnesium, which is said to lower symptoms of PMS, spinach is also good bone health,…

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Signs that say you are unwell

According to a Lancet study, China, India and USA are among the top three countries with a high number of diabetic population. While the numbers climbed from 20.4 million in China in 1980 to 102.9 million in 2014, the rise has been equally dramatic in India from 11.9 million in 1980 to 64.5 million in India.Prevalence of diabetes has more than doubled for men in India and China (3.7 per cent to 9.1 per cent in India and 3.5 per cent to 9.9 per cent in China). It has also…

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