The health benefits of… strawberries

It’s difficult to resist a perfectly ripe strawberry, but did you know just how good they are for you? Nutritionist Jo Lewin shares the nutrition benefits of the bright red berry. An introduction to strawberries The strawberry, Fragaria, is one of the most popular berry fruits in the world. There are more than 10 species of Fragaria that differ in flavour, size and texture yet they all have the same characteristic heart-shaped, red flesh and seeded coat together with small, regal, leafy green caps and stems that adorn their crowns.…

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The health benefits of… aubergines

Full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre and with the potential to lower cholesterol and help manage weight, aubergines are a great choice for salads, stews and beyond. Our nutritionist shares the health benefits, ongoing research and history behind this versatile ingredient… Along with tomatoes, potatoes and bell peppers, the aubergine (solanum melongena) belongs to the nightshade plant family (Solanaceae). In fact, aubergines grow in a manner much like tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that grows several feet in height. They have a deep purple, glossy skin…

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The Real Paleo Diet Included More Plants Than We Thought

Photo: Getty Images What would a caveman eat? That’s the basic premise behind the Paleo diet, a nutritional regimen centered on the same foods that sustained our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The trouble is, we don’t know exactly what those foods were. But archeologists at a site in the northern Jordan Valley in Israel have uncovered new and surprising clues about the real Paleo diet: It turns out ancient humans feasted on a wide variety of plants along with their fish and meat. The researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar Ilan University identified 55 edible plant species that…

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Coping with ‘fear of missing out’ over the holidays

Have you heard the phrase “Fear of missing out”? It’s commonly known by its acronym, FOMO, and while many say it comes from using social media too much, you don’t have to be online for it to have an effect on your life. The fear of not staying “connected” may cause problems, said Dr. Joe Taravella, a licensed clinical psychologist at New York University Langone Medical Center’s Rusk Rehabilitation. “It can lead to cognitive distortions and that is people thinking… that they’re truly missing out on things,” he said. FOMO…

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Bask in the sunlight to energise your immune cells

Bask in the sunlight to energise your immune cells Apart from helping for a healthier living by producing vitamin D, getting some sunlight may also energise T cells — immune cells — that play a central role in fighting infections in the human body, a study has found. “We all know sunlight provides vitamin D, which is suggested to have an impact on immunity, among other things. But what we found is a completely separate role of sunlight on immunity,” said Gerard Ahern, Associate Professor at the Georgetown University in…

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Recover stronger: The best post-game foods for athletes and when to eat them

You just played the game of your life. After working out and training for weeks and weeks, you left it all on the field, exhausting every ounce of your energy to try and win the game. But your work doesn’t stop there. Post-game recovery and nutrition can be just as important as your pre-game preparation, especially if you want to have the energy to get back out on the field again. Your body needs the right nutrients to power you through the next practice, next game, next drill, or your…

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