Hate Winter Running? Maybe You’re Doing it Wrong

Many detest it and simply refuse to do it, while others do it begrudgingly while longing for spring’s sunny days. A third group, though, loves it and says that “it’s not a matter of bad weather; it’s a matter of bad clothing choices.” We’re talking about winter running – which even in the mid-Atlantic can mean temperatures in the 20s, high winds and freezing rain. None of this, though, has ever stopped Kathy Pugh, a Washington resident and coach who has been leading winter runs and race prep for nearly…

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Use Nutrition to Ward off Winter Blues

Physical disorders can negatively affect a person’s mental condition, so experts recommend ingesting sufficient nutrients to stimulate the brain and other parts of the body to maintain mental health. Vitamins tend to be a doctor’s first recourse as nutrients that are good for improving mental condition. A number of studies have established that vitamin D and folic acid help deal with depression. Vitamin D is produced when provitamin D, a substance contained in the skin, is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In winter, when exposure to sunlight is shorter,…

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Winter is coming! Here’s how to cope with it

It is that time of the year when a lot of people are suffering from a runny nose, fever, dry skin and itchy scalp. This is because of the sudden change in the weather. Here are a few tips to combat the weather blues… l Drink lots of water so your body is hydrated. Make sure you also have warm water regularly. l Switch to a healthier diet and include a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet. l Keep some warmer clothes handy. l Use a moisturiser regularly.…

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