Binge drinking affects male and female brains differently, here’s why

While binge drinking affects the health of both males and females, the effect of gene expression in an area of the brain linked to addiction was found to be different, finds a new study. Repeated binge drinking was found to significantly alter molecular pathways in the nucleus accumbens — a region of the brain linked to addiction. But, in females, the genes linked to hormone signalling and immune function are altered, whereas in males genes related to nerve signalling are affected. The study has significant implications for the treatment of alcohol use…

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Anorexia nervosa can alter your brain’s response to taste

Anorexia nervosa — an eating disorder that makes people obsessive about their weight — could alter the brain circuit and impact the taste-reward processing mechanisms, especially for sugar, a study has found.While most people like sweet-tasting things, those with eating disorders associate the taste with weight gain and try to avoid it. The study showed that the brain activation among the anorexia group was inversely connected with any pleasant experience of eating sugar. Those who are already worried about shape and weight become even more concerned. And a strong response that says “feed me” might be…

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Would-be moms, breathe easy! Mobile phone use in pregnancy may not affect kids’ brains

Babies born to women who use a mobile phone during pregnancy are unlikely to have any adverse effects on their neurodevelopment skills such as language, communication and motor skills, according to new research which has challenged previous theories. According to researchers, the concern for harm to the foetus caused by radio frequency electromagnetic fields such as those emitted by mobile phones is mainly driven by reports from experimental animal studies with inconsistent results. Researchers found that children born to mobile phone users had an 18% lower risk of low motor…

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The Brain’s Need for Glucose: Low Levels Could Predict Alzheimer’s Risk

People often confuse sugar with calories but they are very different. Sugar is a glucose compound which is broken down by the process of metabolism, into simpler molecules with the release of energy. Sugar, a form of glucose is necessary for sustaining life in a living organism. Any living organism or tissue or even a cell eventually dies when the sugar level depreciates. This glucose compound helps in manufacturing energy to perform essential biological processes. Such biological processes taking place inside a living organization leads to the sustaining of respective…

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Depression May Disrupt the Brain’s Emotion Processing Network

  Regions of the brain that normally work together to process emotion become decoupled in people who experience multiple episodes of depression, a study has found. The findings would help identify which patient would benefit from long term anti-depressant treatment to prevent the recurrence of depressive episodes. “Half of the people who have a first depressive episode will go on to have another within two years,” said study co-author, Scott Langenecker. Disruptions in the network of areas of the brain that are simultaneously active during problem-solving and emotional processing have…

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