Doctors couldn’t diagnose my mental health problems. But then they saw my art

Ispent nearly 20 years of my life mentally unwell, detained in various psychiatric hospitals while doctors argued about what was wrong with me. I received numerous conflicting diagnoses which I would add to my growing collection, still feeling unheard and misunderstood. While I was in Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge, I would paint how I was feeling. Suddenly, I would begin to splash paint around my room, on large pieces of paper placed on the floor. It was very messy but incredibly cathartic. I would interpret my pain and torture, and…

Doctor App Babylon Health Offers Quick Appointments, But Grapples With Follow-Up Care For Mental Health

Babylon Health founder and CEO, Ali ParsaPHOTO BY LEVON BLISS FOR FORBES On a winter day in February 2018, a British woman with a history of depression had one of her first ever video chats with a doctor. At first the call was a revelation. She couldn’t afford private healthcare and was used to waiting weeks to see a doctor through Britain’s free National Health Service (NHS). Now she could see an NHS doctor within hours. Since November 2017 the NHS has paid Babylon Health to replace local doctor visits for…

Special gifts for graduating doctors

The days when being a doctor was regarded as glamorous and exciting are long gone. The perception changed slowly but surely over the years and while doctors are still highly respected for their intellect and ability to make people better, it is also a profession that is now regarded as a calling by many. The reality is that it is a lot of studying, brutal hours, often crippling malpractice insurance and sick and suffering ‘clients. There is certainly no glamour in any of that! So, if you have a friend…

Women More Likely To Die Of Heart Attack If Treating Doctor Is Male: Study

Women suffering heart attacks in hospital emergency rooms in the United States are more likely to die if their doctor is a man than a woman, warned a study Monday. The study was based on more than 500,000 patients admitted to hospital emergency departments for acute myocardial infarction — a medical term for heart attack — in Florida between 1991 and 2010. Researchers at Harvard University found a “stark” difference in survival according to whether the patient’s and doctor’s gender matched. Health coach Luke Coutinho talks about how many young…

Brain tumours can be cured, defeatist attitude towards it must go, say doctors

Doctors from across the world assembled for an international conference at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here said there is a widespread defeatist perception about brain tumour even among doctors, which is not right. “Even in a Bollywood movie, if someone has to die, the character is told to be suffering from brain tumour and there is an immediate acceptance by all about his death,” said Rakesh Jalali, Director of South East Asia’s First Proton Therapy Centre (SEFPTC), Apollo Hospital, Chennai. Jalali is one of the 400-odd…

Doctors arm immune system to fight cervical cancer cells

Doctors were bewildered when they went through the case sheet of a woman who was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer nearly 10 years ago. More than a year after a full dose of radiotherapy, cancerhad spread to the lung. By then the disease should have claimed her life. Yet, she continues to visit them for periodic checks. Tests show she is free of the ailment. When diagnosed with cancer, her oncologist at the Cancer Institute (WIA) here had included her name for an experimental treatment – immunotherapy. Rather than directly…