Drinking Water From Plastic Bottles During Pregnancy May Harm Your Baby

Pregnancy is a special moment in everyone’s family. There’s nothing like the joy of having a baby. But it is also the time for the pregnant woman to be very mindful of what to eat and drink. There are various factors that can affect the development process of your baby if you are not careful, leading to the onset of future diseases as well. It is no hidden fact that almost everything we eat and drink today come loaded with chemicals, and on top of that we also stay in…

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Liquorice (Mulethi) Consumption during Pregnancy Can be Harmful, Experts Warn

Liquorice, popularly known as mulethi in India, has long been used in home-remedies and medicated products for treating sore throat, congestion and a host of other ailments. Despite its myriad health benefits, a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests it to be detrimental to pregnant ladies. A team of experts from the University of Helsinki in Finland studied 378 people ageing 13 years whose mothers consumed liquorice during pregnancy. It was found that fetuses that were exposed to large amount of liquorice in the womb didn’t…

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7 easy ways nutritionists avoid gaining weight during winter

As much as we’d all love to write winter weight gain off as one of those annoying health myths (an apple a day, the two-second food rule, et cetera) it’s unfortunately 100 percent real, as a large international study recently proved. You’re likelier to gain the most weight of the year during the holiday season, and it can take up to five months to lose. Say it with me: Ughhh. So, because I’m really not very good at giving up the things that help me deal with my Seasonal Affective…

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Sleep Apnea Tied to Diabetes and Hypertension During Pregnancy

Pregnant women who experience certain breathing problems during sleep may be more likely to develop complications like high blood pressure and diabetes, recent U.S. research suggests. In the study of more than 3,000 women, researchers did home-based sleep studies twice during pregnancy to check for what’s known as apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder that involves repeated stops and starts in breathing. Risk factors for sleep apnea include older age and obesity. Women who had sleep apnea were almost twice as likely to develop what’s known as preeclampsia, a type…

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The Best Foods to Eat During Finals Week

And the time has come. Just like that, finals have made their way into our lives. For many of us, the stress is at an all time high. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And happiness will return when you take your last final. Since it’s time to buckle down, focus, and concentrate on the material at hand, I have listed below five foods that will help strengthen the brain, because knowing all the vocabulary for organic chemistry is not okay. Ever. 1. Salmon Getty…

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Heavy Drinking During Youth Can Disrupt Brain Development

Excessive alcohol use during adolescence can disrupt the development of brain and increase risk of substance use disorder later in life, a study says. “The maturation of the brain is still ongoing in adolescence, and especially the frontal areas and the cingulate cortex develop until the twenties. Our findings strongly indicate that heavy alcohol use may disrupt this maturation process,” said first author of the study Noora Heikkinen from University of Eastern Finland. Cingulate cortex has an important role in impulse control, and volumetric changes in this area may play…

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